Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pakistan Vs India Cricket Match Worldcup 2011 :)

Heyy Everyone :) so! i love cricket. idk i never used to like it always thought it was boring just the hype of all the guys being excited use to get to me  but now that ive matured and understand the game i really do enjoy watching it and i hate stupid retards that claim becoming a fan bandwagon jumper. theres  A DIFFERENCE. yes i know a certain someone who is like that, very annoying at times.
but this match is EPIC. THIS IS LIKE NON-OTHER because India and Pakistan have a long and strong history of hate/ competition of looking down on each other.
point  being this wednesday 3/30/11 at 3 am its going to be aired live from India.
 Obviously we know that i am on Pakistan's side :) inshallah we will win this match.  Pakistan;s performace so far in the wroldcup has been quite amazing and im really looking forward to watching this. I even got together with some college buddies to make t shirts to support it ill upload a picture :) and were going to be watching it together too :). soo.. i have to go for the moment being but i love the cricket song De Ghuma Ke :) - de ghuma ke -Pakistan :)!

Tanu Weds Manu - Movie Review

Heyy so um.. this past friday i had about.. nothing planned to do so i stayed in my living laid on the sofa and watched this movie. i think that.. it was kinda cute? id give it a 5/10 only cuz it was cute at times. but the guy is basically.. a wuss im not gonna lie i would never let a guy stand for such rude behavior by that stupid girl ill post the trailers here and the songs.. well they were good as usual bollywood now a days is only coming up with semi- ok music not actually good movies.
 a recent good movie was Patiala house watch that if u need to see something : ) - trailer - Patiala House  - this movie was legit.
- peace out guys :)

Watch me Shrink.

Hello everyone, sorry i havent been here lately but now im back i was thinking of trying the HCG i heard a lot about it and a friend of mine tried it. i heard it was ridiculous kinda like starvation.
so i recently bought the jillian hall detox cleanse and fat burner kit from walmart and im gonna go buy myself some weights i signed up for a cardio class mon/wed at 7pm at the slc for an hr and im going to start this program called flirty girl fitness.
i also read into its a cool website where the this guy adrain bryant gives people tons of tips and videos and teaches ppl how to lose weight. i was highly inspired by watching a utube series of logins for this lady who was losing 80 pounds and lost it week by week from 2009 to 2010 and went thru with her new year resolution how many ppl actually follow through? ive been trying to lose weight for years now. but obviously that hasnt happened but i have 2 weddings to attend in july and one this april i know a month away. but im going to start trying now.
ill write about how tomorrow goes. im suppose to eat atleast 5 fruits and 3 raw vegetables tomorrow after that if i am hungrry eat my normal small portioned meals. water is a must have to drink a lot of it and make sure to take the metacaps as she states it the detox & cleanse pills 2 in the morning and 2 at nite.
currrent weigh in is 173. :(  =  3/27/11

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Starting Diet.

Hey everyone,
so today is March 2nd, and im going to finally start and actually follow through with this crazy HCG diet. i wanna kinda kill myself while im on it cuz i usually dont get thru the first week.. wait.. i have to go home on the weekend and my grandpa brought sheermal from pakistan. okay im going to start that diet on monday when i come back :) but however from today i will strat the workout portion and careful eating. then on monday ill strictly follow the no bread/ pasta/ soda/sugar rule. honestly livin in america that doesnt leave us many options to eat. i swear i looked everywhere and every single thing has sugar in it. it would suck if i was diabetic. im kind of a failure guys. i didnt go to classes yesterday and today i woke up late cuz i went to the hookah bar last night and was sleepy after it. :( and i didnt get any prayers in. ill do a seperate post on prayers, the hcg, my favorite pakistani foods, and on my fiance. yes, im engaged. crazy stuff, it means more pressure to look perfect. nobody wants to be with an ugly girl jeez.
- k its a lil past noon and my class starts at 1 the last one im gonna go to that, then gonna either.. talk Mr.Ali, or go workout i have work at 4. :(
-will post later.
song of the day :
lol thats in hindi if you understand it, its pretty cool its a bunch of poems that can make u say ouch... to each line haha.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day One/ Intro.

Hello Everyone, my name is Sakina :)
Ive started this blog in attempt to well.. have someone to share my daily life with, where nobody knows who i am or where i come from, and where i can be anyone i want to with no expectations or no constraints holding myself back. I'm a college student studying bio-premed and i go to Baylor University, with the help of exceptionally high amounts of loans being taken out under my uncle's name who was kind enough to co-sign for my education. But i screwed up, college was harder than i thought it was going to be and i, being myself have always taken things very lightly. im a typical girl i spend money without thinking i have wants all the time i dont think before i do and im a bollywood fanatic. i plan my entire life to be a wonderful fairytale. but in reality thats only happening after the hard part of life and education has taken its toll on me. so this semester without the knowledge of my ever so trusting parents im attending the community college nearby because... i have a lower than adequate GPA to stay in baylor and have been suspended for this spring term. amazingly as it is im making this blog while i should be taking my english essay test, but b/c i suck at writting and i didnt read the book.. i skipped it. im a very amazing procrastinator. if that was a talent that would be my only talent.. as im not really good.. at anything i believe so, my family/friends says otherwise. and its not that i dont have amazing people in my life to share this stuff with.. but its a neat idea i believe and i plan on never letting anyone i know, know about my blog. and who knows if anyone will ever read this or follow my posts. So i guess what this blog will be about is random posts about things i love/hate, my opinions, things going on throughout my life, and how im in a process in life. im kinda at the bottom and i need to go through a series of actions to access the expectations that are given to me.
thats all for this post :)
Quote of the Day : ( this is from Justin Beibers song never say never - yea i know im lame. whatever lol )
" i was born with two stars so the moons where i land "  :)